Birds Clive flowers Landscapes Machinery

December 1, 2015 … on the downhill run

The drive home from Clive to Lower Hutt was a pleasant one.

Azolla rubra, doubling every five days … can you find the coot?

Warm and sunny weather make a drive more enjoyable. I was less pleased, however, with what I found at the Pekapeka wetland reserve just South of Hastings. I have visited it many times before, in conditions varying from flood to drought. This time, the problem was the infestation of the floating fern, Azolla rubra. Though it has many uses including stock feed, it is not doing the bird life a lot of good at Pekapeka. It can double its biomass in 3 to 5 days  and that doesn’t leave a lot of room for anything else. These wetlands are normally home to swans and swallows, coots, dabchicks, shags and ducks. In my first cautious stroll around the walkways, I thought the place was deserted. It was not until I processed this image on the computer that I found the distinctive white blaze of an Australian coot (about one third in from the right, on the centre line).

Black swan in briefly clear water


There were a few small patches of clear water, and after a while a pair of black swans appeared from under the boardwalk.

Apiti wind farm

After a nice coffee and slice of Louise cake in the excellent Vault cafe in Dannevirke, we carried on South to the Manawatu Gorge, where I stopped for a slow shot of the spinning turbines in the Apiti wind farm above the river.


At home, the weeds in our garden had proliferated, but some are quite photogenic, including this heartsease or wild pansy.

This is the first day of the last month of this as a daily blog.


By wysiwygpurple

Retirement suits me well. I spend much of my time out making pictures, or at home organizing and refining my pictures.

This blog provides me with a platform from which I can indulge my passion for improving my photography and at the same time analyze my thoughts about what I have seen, where I have been and what is happening in my life. My images set out to be honest, but that does not mean I have not adjusted them. I use software to display what I saw though the viewfinder to best advantage. My preference is for landscape and nature, and is mostly centred around my hometown of Wellington, New Zealand.

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