adversity Architecture harbour Maritime Weather Wellington

August 9, 2014 … filling in time in the wet

It was an expensive day.

Straitsman nears the harbour mouth as seen across the mounted propeller of HMNZS Wellington, sunk offshore as a diving reef.

My mobile phone needed the glass replaced, and my walk-about camera (the 5DII) was in desperate need of a sensor clean. You can buy DIY kits for this purpose, but with my track record, I would not put any object inside the sensor area of a digital camera. Yesterday, therefore, I got by with just one camera, swapping lenses as required. Happily, the other =one is back with a sparkling clean sensor and the 24-105 lens got a complimentary clean thrown in. While I was waiting for the two jobs, I wandered the city and surrounding suburbs. I began on the South coast and liked the juxtaposition of the ferry “Straitsman” over the top of the propeller of the HMNZS Wellington.

Baring Head
From Owhiro Bay looking towards Island Bay and Baring Head

From Owhiro Bay,  the view Eastward was distinctly softened by soft steady rain.

Pt Halswell
Point Halswell light has recently had its paintwork freshened up

Following the coast round through Scorching Bay I came to the Pt Halswell light contrasting nicely against the hills of Wadestown and Khandallah.

The City from Pt Halswell

From the point itself, there was a misty view across to the city. I like this view in rain or sunshine.

Perrett's corner
The intersection of Manners St and Willis St with Boulcott St … it was once known as Perrett’s corner … few would now remember why.

I met some of my friends and former colleagues for lunch so went down into the city from the Terrace and enjoyed the colours and textures of the city architecture. At some stage in history the green-tiled building was the headquarters of Telecom NZ Ltd, now renamed “Spark”. Almost any organization that has a headquarters and outlying buildings ends up with a disparaging nickname for head office. This one was referred to as “the kermitage”, presumably due to the green colour.

Law School
The law School in the wet

Downtown near the business school, I liked the contrast between the painted wood of the law School and the dark sky to the East.

That’s enough for today.

By wysiwygpurple

Retirement suits me well. I spend much of my time out making pictures, or at home organizing and refining my pictures.

This blog provides me with a platform from which I can indulge my passion for improving my photography and at the same time analyze my thoughts about what I have seen, where I have been and what is happening in my life. My images set out to be honest, but that does not mean I have not adjusted them. I use software to display what I saw though the viewfinder to best advantage. My preference is for landscape and nature, and is mostly centred around my hometown of Wellington, New Zealand.

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