adversity Birds Family Napier Weather

June 20, 2014 … a journey in soft focus

The day was busy, in preparation for today’s funeral.

Takahe in the enclosure at Mt Bruce

Mary and I drove from Lower Hutt to Napier, pausing at Mt Bruce for a coffee break instead of our usual stop at Dannevirke. The coffee was less than stellar, but I managed to grab a shot of the Takahe  across the fence from the verandah of the coffee shop.

Ruahine Range
Rain on the ranges

The journey was mostly in grey overcast thought it improved as we went North. Somewhere North of Dannevirke, there were road works which allowed me to see this view of the Ruahine range.

Napier wetlands

Mary was attending to family matters and I was turned loose to see if there were photographs to be had. I had really left it too late, and the best I could manage was this wetland area near the airport.

I have nothing else today.


By wysiwygpurple

Retirement suits me well. I spend much of my time out making pictures, or at home organizing and refining my pictures.

This blog provides me with a platform from which I can indulge my passion for improving my photography and at the same time analyze my thoughts about what I have seen, where I have been and what is happening in my life. My images set out to be honest, but that does not mean I have not adjusted them. I use software to display what I saw though the viewfinder to best advantage. My preference is for landscape and nature, and is mostly centred around my hometown of Wellington, New Zealand.

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